The Amber room is located in the oldest part of the farmstead.
Its floor plan is about 28 square metres, and it’s furnished with classical features that have received a modern twist, confering great charm and sophistication.
In the event a guest books a Junior or Superior Suite, the Valdorso staff will do everything in their power to satisfy requests for specific rooms, however if it is not possible, another room belonging to the same class will be automatically assigned.
Amber isn’t a stone, but rather a fossilized resin coming from coniferous plants and trees. Often it contains fragments of insects of plants that accidently ended up in the viscous liquid some few millions of years ago. Amber given as a gift represents virtue. It can be given as a gift for an important occasion or anniversary.
Tips & Tricks
È il vostro anniversario e vuoi dimostrarle che qualche volta ti ricordi anche tu delle ricorrenze? Portala a fare una cena a lume di candela nel nostro ristorante We-Food, penseremo noi a creare l’atmosfera perfetta!